Leaders Credit Union Gives Over $7,000 Towards 3rd Annual “From Leaders With Love” Goodwill Projects this Christmas

Leaders Credit Union, a member-owned financial cooperative based in Jackson, Tenn., spread holiday cheer around West Tenn. with their third annual “From Leaders with Love” project. Beginning December 1, each branch and department of Leaders adopted a goodwill project in the community. Projects included goodie baskets for a local women’s shelter, caroling and crafts with Northbrooke Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, Christmas trays for the fire department, free entry for the first 100 cars to visit Discovery Park of America’s Let It Glow Light Show, and many others. Leaders carried out a total of sixteen projects throughout December and gave approximately $7,000 towards “From Leaders with Love” projects. Some projects received additional funding through generous donations of the Leaders’ staff.

“Giving forward in the community is an integral piece of our foundation as a credit union,” President and CEO Todd Swims said. “We are thankful for our members and are grateful for the opportunity we have to give forward and bless others.”

Leaders challenged their staff to select projects in which they were passionate. The results spanned from sending goodie boxes to soldiers overseas to reading Christmas stories at Head Start, to donating clothing and canned food to the Mustard Seed of Milan. Leaders released a compilation video of the projects on their Facebook page on Friday, Dec. 15, and the video has reached over 7,000 Facebook users to date.

“Giving forward is a contagious act, and if we can encourage even one person to give in response, then that’s how we move forward as a community,” Oil Well location branch manager Wendy Clements said.  “It’s our favorite project of the year because we have the opportunity to not only be the financial champions for our members but also the goodwill champions.”

Oil Well branch location chose to collect coats for the homeless as their project and donated over 100 coats to the Coats for the Jackson Homeless hosted by United Way.

Leaders projects included work with:

  • Coats for the Jackson Homeless
  • Northbrooke Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center
  • Discovery Park of America
  • Jackson Fire Department
  • Jackson-Madison County Humane Society
  • Youth Villages of Bartlett
  • Milan Mustard Seed and Blessing Box
  • Women’s Care Center
  • Boodle Kits for Soldiers
  • Hope Center of Jackson
  • Eden of Youth Town
  • Rusty Mac’s Adopt a Teen Program part of the Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse
  • Lane College
  • Reelfoot Rural Ministries
  • Head Start of Jackson

To view the “From Leaders with Love” video, visit Leaders Credit Union’s Facebook page at facebook.com/leaderscu.

[x_alert heading=”About Leaders Credit Union” type=”info”]Leaders Credit Union is a member-owned financial cooperative headquartered in Jackson, Tenn. As one of the largest and most stable credit unions in the nation, Leaders exists to serve the needs of its members and lead the way on their behalf. Leaders was awarded the 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 Best Place to Bank by Jackson Sun’s Readers’ Choice and was placed in the top 1% of credit unions nationwide by depositaccounts.com.  Leaders is an Equal Housing Lender and is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration.  For more information about Leaders Credit Union, visit their website.[/x_alert]

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