The second session of the 111th Tennessee General Assembly has officially begun. Your League will be there all spring to advocate for Tennessee’s credit unions and their members.

The 2020 Legislative and Regulatory Forum is under two weeks away! Join us February 3-4 as we examine the landscape in both federal and state politics, hear from NCUA and TDFI, as well as learn a bit about FinTech.
You can still register by clicking here…
And lastly, preparations are underway for the 2020 Governmental Affairs Conference in Washington, D.C. Our Hill Visit schedule will be shared as soon as it is ready. In the meantime, it is important to know that we’ve slightly switched up the schedule or our state events during the week. Instead of a full night reception and a breakfast hill briefing, we’ve combined the two into a single event!
On Tuesday, February 25, we will host a Legislative Briefing Reception at the Marriott Metro Center from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. There, you’ll be able to get a drink and a snack, socialize with colleagues from across the state, have a short briefing on what to expect on the Hill the following day, and still make it out in time for dinner. Hope to see everyone there!