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CUNA Award Submission Deadline is June 30

Think back to 2021. We know you did a lot to help meet member needs. But was there a special campaign that helped your credit union go above and beyond to help members?

If so, we encourage you to complete a CUNA Awards application! The CUNA Awards not only offer recognition for outstanding achievements, but honor credit unions’ desire to make things better for all of us. Named in honor of our pioneers, these awards represent the spirit of what credit unions are all about. Hurry, the submission deadline is Thursday, June 30.

What are the CUNA Award categories?

  • The Dora Maxwell Award is given to a credit union or chapter for its social responsibility projects within the community. (The award is given for external activities)
  • The Louise Herring Award is given to a credit union for its practical application of the credit union philosophy within the actual operation of the credit union. (The award is given for internal programs and services that benefit membership.)
  • The Desjardins Youth Award includes all activities to teach personal finance to youth (under 18).
  • The Desjardins Adult Award includes all activities to teach personal finance to adults (over 18).

Can a credit union compete in all of the competitions?

Yes, a credit union may submit one entry for each of the awards (Dora Maxwell, Louise Herring, Desjardins Adult, & Desjardins Youth).

Can a credit union enter the same entry in multiple programs?

No, each program has different objectives and requirements. Entries should be tailored to match the defined goals of the particular competition.

View the award application and apply!

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