TCUL Holds Hike at Home in Place of Traditional Hike in DC

The times we’re living in may be a whole lot different from what we’re used to, but that doesn’t mean that advocacy stops. Right now, with so much happening on Capitol Hill, is one of the most important times to have credit union voices heard. And so instead of a planned summer Hike the Hill, […]

This Week (and Next Week) in Advocacy News


It’s been a busy last few weeks for Team Governmental Affairs. We opened July with the first of our three part advocacy webinar series entitled “Elections, Credit Union’s Role in them, and a 2020 Outlook,” which discussing the earliest portion of the legislative process– getting elected in the first place. Last week, we took things […]

It’s 2020 and It’s Time to Hike@Home!

Credit Unions have weathered an unprecedented few months. With COVID-19 still a threat and keeping safety as a priority, we are turning this year’s Hike the Hill into a Hike@Home! We won’t be able to get together in DC, but we can still let our voices be heard and let our Congressional Delegation know what […]

June Advocacy Update

June Advocacy Update Advancing Communities – We need your videos and news stories! Was your credit union in the news? Send the link to so that story can be featured on our Advancing Communities site. We need your videos about the credit union difference from your employees, members, anyone! We want to feature them […]

Advancing Communities in Tennessee Website


We know that Tennessee credit unions are making a difference in the lives of their members every single day. You listen to your members and work with each of them every single day for their financial wellbeing. You do most of these financial heroics without a second thought. Now, your League is working to take […]

State Legislature Wrap Up – 2020


State Legislature Wrap Up – 2020 After closing to the public last weekend, the TN General Assembly will be finishing up Governor Lee’s revised budget and spending bills before taking a temporary adjournment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While we don’t know officially how long the adjournment will last, most insiders believe it will be […]

Interchange Update – Small Victory, but the Work Isn’t Done!


Thank you for all of your efforts to fight HB 2500/SB 2394 – the bill to exclude state and local sales tax from the interchange fee calculation. You all answered the call and sent numerous messages to your representatives and senators letting them know that this bill is bad for credit unions, and in turn […]

Tennessee’s GAC Crasher is Audrey Barnette with ORNL FCU


Audrey Barnette, Financial Service Officer with ORNL FCU was selected as the Tennessee representative by Filene Research Institute’s Cooperative Trust “Crash” Program to attend the CUNA GAC in Washington, DC. What made you decide to apply to be a GAC crasher? I applied to be a GAC crasher because I like challenges and the unconventional […]

Eastman CU & TCUL Welcomes Chairman Timothy Hill for Meeting

Eastman Credit Union and the Tennessee Credit Union League were honored to have Chairman Timothy Hill, Chairman of the House Commerce Committee, for a meeting in Kingsport, TN this week. He received a tour of both ECU’s Headquarters as well as the brand new ECU Service Center and met with senior officials from the credit […]

Tennessee Credit Unions Hike the Hill, Advocate for Their Members at GAC 2019

Earlier this month, 90 people formed a delegation of Tennessee’s credit unions to travel to Washington D.C. to advocate for their members at the 2019 CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference. The group heard from keynote speakers such as Malcolm Gladwell and Dana Perino as former Secretary of State John Kerry and the sitting Vice President of […]