Bowater Credit Union Donates $1,000 to McMinn County Education and Community Foundation
Bowater Employees Credit Union member Winona K. Pless, has won $1,000 from Bowater Credit Union to her favorite non-profit, McMinn County Education and Community Foundation (MCEF), where she also serves on the Board of Directors. Bowater Credit Union has asked its members to nominate their favorite non-profit helping people in the counties eligible for credit […]
An Interview With Wade Stapleton, President of LifeWay Credit Union
Your League is beginning a new series as a part of Management Notes, interviewing credit union leaders from across the state about their paths to how they got where they are. In the first installment, we talked to Wade Stapleton, President of LifeWay Credit Union and a recent addition to Your League’s Board of Directors. […]
Stay Strategic for Stronger Planning
Strategic planning is both an obligation and an opportunity. Credit unions who plan well and execute well are the ones you read about today … growing faster, staying more relevant and becoming financially stronger. What makes one credit union’s plan better than another? Often, it is about how you plan as much as what you […]
Experience the Freedom of the Perfect Fit
When you find that flawless pair of jeans, or have a suit tailored so it fits you just right, it’s a wonderful feeling. You’re suddenly more confident, and you stop looking for something superior because you know it’s a fruitless search. That’s the same feeling clients and job candidates get when they find their perfect […]
Ascend Federal Credit Union Hires Two SVPs, AVP
Ascend Federal Credit Union welcomes Leslie Copeland as Senior Vice President of Strategy and Planning, Mark Brown as Senior Vice President of Information Technology and Mary Pollard as Assistant Vice President of Consumer Lending. “Leslie makes a wonderful addition to our senior management team,” Ascend President and CEO Caren Gabriel said. “She will play a […]
Credit Union Priorities Advance in U.S. House
Late last night, the credit union movement scored critical wins and advanced several priorities in the U.S. House Appropriations Committee’s markup of the Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2018. Credit Union Priorities The bill that the committee passed last night includes a number of provisions that were included in […]
Grow Your Credit Union Membership with Insights about Non-Members
Is your credit union leaving opportunities to grow membership on the table? If you’re not actively engaging non-members, you might be. The latest research from CUNA Mutual Group, “What Matters Now®: Insights from the Non-Member,” is a deep-dive into non-member and under-engaged member mindsets, lifestyles, attitudes, and habits. These crucial insights can be invaluable tools […]
Changes to the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act
Changes to the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act On May 9, 2017 the Tennessee General Assembly passed HB 0420. This bill revises the present law Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act and renames the Act to be the “Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.” The bill was signed by the Governor on May 25, 2017 and […]
Middle Tennesseans Win with Ascend’s Donation to Preds Foundation
Ascend Federal Credit Union employees are helping Middle Tennesseans by donating more than $1,000 to the Nashville Predators Foundation. On May 31 Ascend encouraged its employees to donate at least $5 for every day the Preds were in the playoffs. In return, employees could wear blue jeans and their favorite Preds gear to work. “This […]
Linda Childs Announces Retirement, Martin Bradley Will be Promoted to President/CEO of TN Connect
After almost 40 years of Credit Union Service and after 29+ years of serving the members of TNConnect Credit Union, President/CEO Linda Childs, pictured above, has decided now is the right time to retire and begin the next chapter in her life. While President Childs will genuinely miss the pace of life as a credit […]