April Features an Array of Financial Literacy Awareness Events

Financial education is a core principle of the credit union mission, and April is a great time to help educate members and the community about strengthening their financial well-being. Here are the April financial literacy awareness events.

National Financial Capability Month

April is National Financial Capability Month. Originally designated as National Financial Literacy Month in 2004, this observance has evolved to focus on financial literacy and ensure that Americans have access to unbiased and trustworthy financial education and understanding of financial services and products. This event also includes raising awareness of consumer protection laws as well as consumer education, helping Americans recognize, avoid and report frauds and scams.

Learn more about National Financial Capability Month.

National Credit Union Youth Month

Since the early 2000s, credit unions have celebrated National Credit Union Youth Month in April. The national awareness event helps young credit union members to embrace financial responsibility and the unique power of credit unions to provide financial security. In short, it is a great opportunity to help educate future generations about the credit union difference!

Credit union leagues from across the country are excited to host this year’s celebration, which encourages children to “Save Away for a Rainy Day.”

Learn more about National Credit Union Youth Month and download materials.

America Saves Week, April 8-12

Since 2007, America Saves Week has been an annual celebration as well as a call to action for everyday Americans to commit to saving successfully. Through the support of thousands of participating organizations, together we encourage individuals to do a financial check-in that allows them to get a clear view of their finances, set savings goals and create a plan to achieve them.

Each day of America Saves Week has a specific theme:

  • Monday, April 8, Saving Automatically
  • Tuesday, April 9, Saving for the Unexpected
  • Wednesday, April 10, Saving for Major Milestones
  • Thursday, April 11, Paying Down Debt is Saving
  • Friday, April 12, Saving at Any Age

Learn more about America Saves Week.

Fun Fact: Be My Neighbor Day in Tennessee, April 20

Governor Bill Lee has named Saturday, April 20, as “Be My Neighbor Day.”

The local PBS affiliate in Chattanooga will celebrate by hosting a community event. This would be a great tie-in for credit union community events as Mr. Rogers exemplified community and inclusiveness.

Learn more by reading this Chattanoogan.com article.

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