Early Voting for the Tennessee State Primary

I’m Matt Coniglio, the Tennessee League’s Director of Advocacy. While I typically discuss state legislation, recap past sessions, or fundraise for our State PAC to keep credit unions in lawmakers’ minds, today I’m writing about an important event in our political cycle: early voting for this year’s Tennessee State Primary, which begins tomorrow. Starting tomorrow, […]

Celebrating a Century of Community: tnConnect Credit Union Marks 100th Anniversary

tnConnect Credit Union proudly announces its centennial milestone, marking 100 years of service to the Knoxville community. Established on June 17, 1924, tnConnect has been a pillar of financial stability and community support, embodying its commitment to members’ financial well-being and local initiatives. On June 17, 1924, 7 post office employees each deposited $5 in […]

The Business of Commercial Accounts

Commercial accounts, by their very nature, require an additional level of expertise from credit union staff. Commercial accounts include corporations, Limited Liability Corporations, Partnerships, Sole Proprietorships, and accounts for unincorporated organizations. From the compliance standpoint, most traditional consumer protection regulations, such as Regulation J Truth in Savings and Regulation E, the Electronic Funds Transfer Act, […]

Three Things to Know About Trust Accounts

Learning the basic functions and terminology within Trusts can enable even a novice credit union staff member to provide seamless member service.  A “trust” is an estate planning tool. It is generally more complex than a primary estate plan because it involves the disposition of assets during different phases of the member’s life. Members will […]