TVFCU Welcomes Three Senior Leadership Team Members

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Tennessee Valley Federal Credit Union (TVFCU), a $2.4 billion asset credit union, announced the addition of three new senior leadership team members. “We are honored to welcome these three leaders to TVFCU’s senior leadership team,” said Todd Fortner, president and CEO of TVFCU. “Their experience will help TVFCU to continue to advance and innovate to […]

CUNA Award Submission Deadline is June 30

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Think back to 2021. We know you did a lot to help meet member needs. But was there a special campaign that helped your credit union go above and beyond to help members? If so, we encourage you to complete a CUNA Awards application! The CUNA Awards not only offer recognition for outstanding achievements, but […]

Eastman Credit Union Tops National Charts for Member Service

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Eastman Credit Union earned a top-ten ranking in Callahan & Associates’ recent report of credit unions returning the most value to members. According to the year-end 2021 report analyzing Return to Member (ROM) scores, ECU ranked first among all Tennessee credit unions and eighth among over 400 credit unions nationwide with over $1 billion in […]

Clinchfield Federal Credit Union Hosts Member Appreciation Day

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Clinchfield Federal Credit Union in Erwin hosted a Member Appreciation Day for its members on Friday, May 13. “We do this once a year and started 3 years ago when COVID started,” said April Simmons, business development representative, Clinchfield Federal Credit Union. “It was a great way to see our members without being in a […]