New Tools Are Emerging to Help Credit Unions Thwart Cyber-thieves

Fighting credit and debit card fraud is a shifting battle as would-be thieves regularly roll out novel schemes, but credit unions can look to new defenses from card issuers and processors built on sophisticated data analytics. For merchants who completed the EMV chip upgrade, card fraud at the point of purchase has declined 76% since […]
Executive Interview with Southern Security FCU CEO Dawn Graeter

Editors note: This is a series of short interviews to learn more about credit union executives in TN. Dawn Graeter, CEO Southern Security Federal Credit Union Q: How long have you been in the credit union industry? Dawn Graeter: 11 Years in the credit union industry and 33 years total in the financial industry, with […]
Northeast Credit Unions Meet with Chairman Timothy Hill & Commissioner Greg Gonzales

Credit unions from across Northeast Tennessee met on the afternoon of October 30 with House Commerce Committee Chairman Timothy Hill and Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions Commissioner Greg Gonzales. A part of an event informally dubbed as the Northeast Tennessee Finance Summit, the meeting centered on ways that the Department and the Committee and the […]
TN Credit Unions Meet with NCUA Regional Director in Austin, TX

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